
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

After receiving a rejection letter for an internship from a big university hospital, I started to mindlessly scroll on my phone. This university hospital had accepted me before for a four-week rotation, but did not accede to my subsequent request. I informed my good friend, finished my lunch, wished my sister on her birthday, and decided to apply more vigorously to other places instead of keeping all my eggs in one basket. While scrolling on my phone, I saw a news article for an asteroid which was purported to be harmless due to its size still would penetrate the Earth's atmosphere. Apparently, it would be a nice show for those living in the Philippines.  There were certain discovery images of the asteroid, which show a small incomprehensible object changing positions with every frame as it moves further onwards. When one sees these images, what shines out more is the brightly lit stars in each picture rather than the little meter-sized space rock drifting forward. The stars are so...